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Pridružen/-a: 05.01. 2007, 08:36 Prispevkov: 52
Objavljeno: 12 Feb 2007 08:30 Naslov sporočila: Zahteva po zmanjšanju količine benzena v ZDA.... |
Tole je naša Amerika.. V EU je to že nekaj časa preteklost.
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Sunday, 11 February 2007
Benzene Scrubbed From Gasoline
Topic: Emissions
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is forcing all petroleum refineries to remove harmful amounts of benzene from gasoline. The EPA acted only after pressure from Senators and a lawsuit from environmental groups showed that toxic amounts of benzene were in the air in Oregon and Washington.
Under the previous rules, refineries in Washington did not have to comply with national benzene regulations because the Alaskan crude they were refining contained twice as much benzene, so gasoline in the Northwest was allowed to be much dirtier than elsewhere. According to the Oregonian, the levels of benzene in the air in areas in and around Portland is 10 to 40 times higher than what is considered safe. Benzene is known to cause cancers including leukemia.
Refineries didn't balk at the rule change as the cost of removing the benzene is less than a quarter of a cent per gallon. So why was the EPA so slow to act on an obvious health risk? As someone whose health is directly affected by this rule, I'm not happy that the EPA allowed this emission omission.
The EPA also ordered automakers to enhance their fuel lines so that less benzene would escape, a change that will cost about $1 per vehicle.
Source: The Oregonian |
_________________ Lep pozdrav,
http://www.orgon.si |
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kornilov Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 05.09. 2006, 19:22 Prispevkov: 1065 Kraj: Celje
Objavljeno: 12 Feb 2007 09:39 Naslov sporočila: |
Tudi v ZDA se je začelo nekaj premikati. _________________ tomaz.celjski@gmail.com |
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Pridružen/-a: 05.01. 2007, 08:36 Prispevkov: 52
Objavljeno: 12 Feb 2007 09:43 Naslov sporočila: |
zgleda, da mora kakšnemu senatorju sorodnik zaradi levkemije umret, da se kaj premakne.
Drugače iz odprtih tankov, kot v ZDA, izhlapi 1-2% celotne količine goriva. Tako jebilo tudi včasih (5 let nazaj) pri nas, dokler nismo zamenjali stare flote. _________________ Lep pozdrav,
http://www.orgon.si |
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Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2006, 08:41 Prispevkov: 247
Objavljeno: 12 Feb 2007 22:53 Naslov sporočila: |
A jim le prihaja ta nadloga vse bolj do izraza in jim meša štrene med gonjo po dobičku in mislijo, kdo bo pa te dobičke "nucal", če bom zaradi tega tudi jaz veljak vsemogočni lahko jutri "crknu". Izgleda, da zelenih ne bomo več "nucali", ker bomo kar hitro vsi zeleni ratali. |
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