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Has anyone tried DrNatura's Colon Cleanse? I heard about it

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Pridružen/-a: 08.09. 2009, 08:23
Prispevkov: 1
Kraj: USA

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Sep 2009 08:26    Naslov sporočila: Has anyone tried DrNatura's Colon Cleanse? I heard about it Odgovori s citatom

So you know how the story goes.. I heard about this stuff from one of the moms on my sons soccer team and since I don't know her that well I figured I'd ask for some reviews. The pictures of what comes out of your colon are almost too wild to be true .. http://www.drnatura.com/picture_gallery.html .. Hopefully I don't have strings of miniature hot dogs coming out of my colon.. I don't feel that clogged... Has anyone personally tried this product?

I'm kind of skeptical about new products because I've tried stuff that doesn't work soo many times. In the last few months I've lost a ton of weight and I'm feeling really energetic lately. While I was losing the weight I was using power cleanse along with acai nutriburst and had amazing results. I'm just thinking that DrNatura might help me flush out anything that power cleanse left behind.. (If there is anything..) You can read my blog post on when I was on the acai berry and power cleanse diet - http://www.helensdiary.com

Also another thing to consider is I'm a lot more active than I was before I lost the weight.. I don't want to have any problems with diarrhea or farting in public.

Thanks in Advance! Wink
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